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Insanity Max 30 - Week 6 In Review

Week 6 of Max 30 - No Quitters In This House! 

Sporting my new Max 30 shirt this week! LOVE how soft it is! 

Can I just say how excited I am getting that I am ALMOST done with MAX 30! Having that daily calendar up in my workout space is quite the motivator! I am still enjoying this program a lot and also still think that month two is rough but not so rough that I hate it. Below you will see a few of the moves. Some were from cool down stretches and some were just during! My workout dates were off this week. I was slept in a few days and was really busy a few evenings this week. I ended up deciding to skip Friday fight because I was catching up on the other ones I missed this week and hate to start on Monday on last weeks exercies. This was the first one out of the 60 that I decided to skip. I kind of regret it but oh well, I am on to a new week. 

People always ask me who takes these pictures... self timer ap ;) I just take a bunch during the workouts and sort thru them after I am done. 

My partner in crime this week for a few of the workouts. Talk about difficult to get the workout in when he joins me. He kept asking me to help him roller blade during the water breaks! The joys of working out at home in your basement!

Mid week I did a 5 am sweat session to preview the 21 day fix extreme that is coming out with some of the coaches on my team. We also did it in memory of one of the coaches husband on our team. He passed away last week from cancer so we decided to sweat for something bigger for those who have fought the battle. The workout was very challenging and has me super excited for its release date on the 2nd of February. I will be just finishing up Max 30 for the start of this! 

Man oh man... my glutes were on fire this week after all those squats and pusle moves!! Still not in love with Tabata moves but I have to say it's working even if I dread it!

Friday brought with it craziness this week. My son woke up with croup causing my whole day to get thrown off. Mom to the resuce, so I had to take the day off from work and take him to the doctors office. It made me behind on my work and he was in quite the mood all day because he was not feeling well. By bedtime mom was ready to throw in the towel. Instead of laying around like I wanted to, I decided I was going to sweat off my stress. 45 minutes later I was soo so so glad I did. I filled up my shaker cup with E&E, broke out my speaker and turned on some loud music before pressing play. Before I knew it the stress had melted away. 

Saturday I did not get a workout in and had to make up Thursdays on Sunday if that makes sense.... Saturday we headed to Harrisburgh for the Farm Show. My son is obsessed with tractors so it was a big deal for him. I packed a lunch for our road trip there and we did have some cheats while we were at the show. I went for a pulled pork sandwich and also homeade ice cream with warm apples. It was delicous but really sweet. The worst part was that after we left we did some shopping at the outlets in Hershey. I hit up the Under Armor outlet for some new workout stuff and then we went out to dinner. Friendlys was the only place that wasn't busy. Talk about bad choices for dinner. There were few healthy picks so I decided to just eat whatever. We had bacon cheese fries for an appetizer, my sandwich was chicken bacon ranch on sourdough bread and I ate half of my sons ice cream sundae. Lets just say I FELT AWFUL that evening. My body hates processed foods and that was way to much of it. In the moment I thought I wanted it but after the fact is just made me sick. 

This week I am back in the game and am going to try SO hard to stick with this meal plan listed below that I made for the week. I am trying to stick to the plan because when the Fix Extreme comes out I want to be ready to make the transition more easily! Have a great week everyone!


Shakeology w/ half banana
Fried Egg
Eggs - w/ peppers & onions
Eggs - w/ peppers, onions & motz. cheese
Steel Cut Oatmeal w/ cinnamon and natural pb
Ham Sandwich
20 pistachios
Greek Yogurt w/ mixed berries
Turbo Fire Chili w/ peppers and onions
Mixed Berries
Pineapple Stir Fry Chicken
Brown Rice
Tomato Basil Chicken
Penne Pasta
Mixed Berries w/ Greek Yogurt
Baked potato
Red Pepper Strips
20 pistachios
½ strawberries
Pepper Strips w/ hummus
Apple w/ natural PB
20 pistachios
Turbo Fire Chili
Peppers & Onions in chilli
Pineapple Stir Fry Chicken
Brown Rice
Tomato Basil Chicken
Penne Pasta  
Apple w/ natural PB
Out for dinner

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