Move 1
The French start the battle on blinds, and the British and Spanish both wait to spot them before reacting.
On the left Gazan’s corps is spotted at once, and have to place all of their figures in column of march one behind the other. At the end of the move they are still crossing the ford, which prevents the horse artillery from doing so.
The French start the battle on blinds, and the British and Spanish both wait to spot them before reacting.
On the left Gazan’s corps is spotted at once, and have to place all of their figures in column of march one behind the other. At the end of the move they are still crossing the ford, which prevents the horse artillery from doing so.

On the right Girard’s corps approach the river with their extra artillery in front.

Move 2
The French cavalry cross the river to the left of the ford, and Soult takes command of their artillery which can only cross by the ford.
On the left Gazan’s corps still struggle across the ford.
On the right Girard’s corps near the river and his artillery fire on the Spanish infantry.

On the far left the French cavalry have crossed the river and pushed ahead on blinds as they are out of sight of the allied generals. To their right Gazan’s corps continue to cross the ford.
On the right Girard’s corps deploy this side of the river to keep the British pinned in Albuera. Their artillery now command the far bank to support Gazan’s attack.
On the right Girard’s corps deploy this side of the river to keep the British pinned in Albuera. Their artillery now command the far bank to support Gazan’s attack.
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