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Celebrate: Too Relaxed? & Giveaways

An egg ...  or meee?! 

I was sleeping very comfortably, somehow not realizing it was Thursday and I'd forgotten to do a Celebrate post. But I accidentally woke up in the wee hours and whipped this off!

I've had a good, relaxed week, and I think I've come up with the character arc I so desperately need for my next novel. (I can't write a character if I have no idea what that character's arc is.)  So yay for me and Paris Underworld! Now I just have to finish Coldest Night ...

Have you ever lost track of what day it was, especially when you have days off work?

Happy Memorial Day!

My kind and wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

Celebrate The Small Things Linky:

Grab the Linky html-code here:

** To see who’s posted for the hop look at my Celebrate The Small Things Blog Roll, left sidebar bottom **

 Celebrate the Small ThingsTo be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is visit the Celebrate page on Lexa's Blog for the rules, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever! (Originated by VikLit)

Foxy's Friday Freebies!

Foxy has been nosing around the net
When she finds great FREE STUFF, she'll feature it on Friday Freebies posts -
  • Free short stories, novellas, and novels
  • Giveaways for books and swag
  • Free services for authors

Here are Foxy's suggestions for May 26, 2017:

Free Online Short Stories – Celebrate’s own D.A. Cairns of Square Pegs blog has an ezine called Square Pegs Ezine. David runs it, chooses submissions, and edits. You can read all the free online short stories on the Square Pegs Ezine HERE. Wouldn't it be fun to see your own story there? So check out the Submission Policy for his ezine and sub a story of your own HERE.

Free Middle-Grade Comedy Paperback - Win How to Be a Super-Villain by Michael Fry, about a boy expected to follow in his evil family’s footsteps and become a super villain—only the boy is so nice, he keeps failing the tests. Be one of 10 winners and enter via rafflecopter on the YA Books Central Blog. (US/Can only; ends May 28)

Free YA Epic Fantasy/Paranormal Romance Hardback Novel – Win Shift of Shadow and Soul by Hilary Thompson, about an exiled community with links to ancient magic and pursued by a vengeful king, with only a girl and a boy trying to save them—but the girl has some of the forbidden magic and the boy’s the enemy general’s son. The author is giving away a hardback copy, internationally, via rafflecopter on the My Book Addiction blog. (ends May 29)

Free Signed YA Contemporary Paperback & Cookbook – To celebrate the release of The Smallest Thing by Lisa Manterfield, she’s giving away her first book, A Strange Companion, about a woman who struggles with life, death, grief, and the possibility of reincarnation, and also giving away Recipes for Love (Cooking with Kat), a cookbook by the novel’s main character. Enter via rafflecopter on the YA Books blog. (ends May 29)

Free $20 Amazon Gift Card – To celebrate the prequel to a Paranormal series, The Angel Knights by Mary Ting, about Fallen Angels, Demons and the family of Demon Hunters charged with finding and ridding the world of them, the author is giving away a $20 Amazon card via rafflecopter on the Mythical Books blog. (ends June 17)

For Foxy's other Freebies, go to the Freebie page.

If anyone has a FREE short story (for download or online at a free ezine), novella, novel, special giveaway, or author service, please let Foxy know so she can plug you here!  Write to: laura.6eg(at)gmail.com

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