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An Elfy Dose of Archers

Finally got back to painting again after a few interruptions and I've managed to get my High Elf Archers for the Battle for Maugthrond Pass for BOYL2016 finished off.

Queue dodgy photos that actually looks a little bit cinematic..................................

On closer inspection I think they may need more shading but this may be because I'm up close. My painting aim is that from 4 ft away they look like a good looking army as a whole, not for individual brilliance.

They're split into 4 units of 5 to comply with the scenario, with each unit rather imaginatively entitled one of the North, South, East and West Archers (named after their Watchtowers, luckily only one of these is on the battlefield).

I've modeled them on the extremes of their bases so that they'll rank up into units of ten in normla games.

Here the East and North Archers are facing off against "The Claw", a unit of Gobbo Stikkas that I have used "Iron Claw" Goblins to represent.

Righteo, I'm off to plough my way through the painting of a shed load of High Elf Spearmen cause I'm not just doing the 20 I need for the scenario oh no, not me (because I'm an idiot).

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