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Woolly Madness

Did I mention that I get struck with a madness at this time of year... I knit and crochet all year long but suddenly in the last week of November I am deluded into believing I can knit everyone Christmas presents. To be fair my output does somehow seem to increase but it remains a delusion. However, that said I have finished a couple of things that have made me happy...

This very cute bunny was made from a kit using a ball of Erica Knight fur wool that came from a shop in Saffron Walden, Craft Days. The instructions were a little sparse as in "sew up and add optional fabric trim". Luckily I've done a bit of sewing now and then, so I worked it out, but despite that it did knit up very quickly and was finished in just two evenings. If only everyone would like a fur bunny for Christmas I might stand a chance of getting them all done but I'm not so sure my boys would be all that thrilled! But at least the newest little boy will have a present when he arrives.

The second thing I finished were these mitts in an attempt to use up random skeins of yarn I seem to have accumulated. The pattern is "Camp Out Fingerless Mitts" which is free on Ravelry and the yarn is Collinette bamboo and wool DK. I added the roses because I could. Between you and me I'd like to keep them but that wouldn't help my Christmas present situation so they are destined for one of the girlfriends.

And on the needles now are socks because him indoors always gets socks. They may get finished, they may not but long time readers will know we have a history of me giving him one sock and a promise, so I would hate to disappoint! I have plans for more mitts, a little hat or two and some tea cosies but we know it's not going to happen don't we.

Plus I have other plans... In previous years I've done a sort of advent count down on the blog in December... quite a few years actually... 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. I didn't manage last year but thought it would be fun to do it again... Yes, well you already know I'm bonkers. Just a single photo, maybe two... A few words, nothing lengthy or meaningful... because even if no one else reads it I quite like to look back on these countdowns to Christmas as a gentle reminder to keep calm, because it comes and goes whatever we do. Fancy joining me?

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