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The Wheelman Hits New York

Today I'll be up in New York City doing drop-in signings at Black Orchid, Mysterious Bookshop and Partners & Crime (at left), so you won't be hearing from me until late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. But I'll be back then with a complete report.

The Bride and I lived in New York for two years, and what I miss the most are the bookshops: the Strand, Shakespeare & Co, Book Court... but most of all, the mystery bookshops. Whenever I had a spare hour, I'd hop the subway up to Otto Penzler's joint, or if it was nice, walk over to Partners & Crime and marvel at their Top 100 List. I'd gaze longingly at the first editions I couldn't possibly afford, but take solace in the cool paperbacks, used and new. So to be spending a day visiting these stores again... and having it be, like, part of my job? Like they used to say in that beer commercial: it doesn't get better than this.

If you happen to be in the NYC area, stop on by and say hello. I'll be at Black Orchid a little after noon, Mysterious Bookshop around 3, and Partners & Crime by 5 or so.

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