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Random Robot Generator: d12 Version

This variation of my other random robot generator, inspired by the same post from Untimately, utilizes only the d12, but is composed of 21 tables. Are 21 tables unwieldy? Perhaps, but they afford far greater detail than the Roll All Dice method, which may be more desirable under certain circumstances. For even greater detail, consider using the random ray gun generator in place of the Ray Gun table. As usual, undesired results should be ignored or rerolled and all tables are optional.

Random Robot Generator
(d12 Version)

Roll d12 for each table.


1. 1 HD (small or medium)
2. 2 HD (small or medium)
3. 3 HD (small or medium)
4. 4 HD (small or medium)
5. 5 HD (medium or large)
6. 6 HD (medium or large)
7. 7 HD (medium or large)
8. 8 HD (medium or large)
9. 9 HD (large)
10. 10 HD (large)
11. 11 HD (large)
12. 12 HD (large)

(For just small robots, roll 1d4. For just medium robots, roll 1d8. For just large robots, roll 1d8+4.)


1. 6 AC
2. 5 AC
3. 4 AC
4. 4 AC
5. 3 AC
6. 3 AC
7. 3 AC
8. 3 AC
9. 2 AC
10. 2 AC
11. 1 AC
12. 0 AC


1. Boxy
2. Boxy
3. Boxy
4. Cylindrical
5. Cylindrical
6. Cylindrical
7. Humanoid
8. Humanoid
9. Humanoid
10. Spheroid
11. Spheroid
12. Spheroid


1. Nil
2. Disklike
3. Domal
4. Conical
5. Cubical
6. Cylindrical
7. Helmeted
8. Humanoid
9. Insectoid
10. Multifaceted
11. Pyramidal
12. Spheroid


1. Hover
2. Treads
3. Wheels
4. 2
5. 2
6. 2
7. 2
8. 2
9. 2
10. 4 (spindly)
11. 6 (spindly)
12. 8 (spindly)

Leg Type (2 legs)

1. Blocky
2. Blocky
3. Blocky
4. Humanoid
5. Humanoid
6. Humanoid
7. Spheroid
8. Spheroid
9. Spheroid
10. Spindly
11. Spindly
12. Spindly

Movement Rate

1. 60'
2. 60'
3. 60'
4. 90'
5. 90'
6. 90'
7. 90'
8. 120'
9. 120'
10. 120'
11. 120'
12. 150'


1. 1 primary, 1 secondary
2. 1 primary, 2 secondary
3. 1 primary, 4 secondary
4. 2 primary
5. 2 primary
6. 2 primary
7. 2 primary, 1 secondary
8. 2 primary, 2 secondary
9. 2 primary, 4 secondary
10. 4 secondary
11. 6 secondary
12. 8 secondary

Arm Type (Primary)

1. Blocky
2. Blocky
3. Humanoid
4. Humanoid
5. Spheroid
6. Spheroid
7. Spindly
8. Spindly
9. Tentacular
10. Tentacular
11. Tubular
12. Tubular

Arm Type (Secondary)

1. Spindly
2. Spindly
3. Spindly
4. Spindly
5. Tentacular
6. Tentacular
7. Tentacular
8. Tentacular
9. Tubular
10. Tubular
11. Tubular
12. Tubular

Manipular Type (Primary)

1. Claw
2. Claw
3. Claw
4. Hand
5. Hand
6. Hand
7. Hand
8. Hand
9. Hand
10. Mini-tentacles
11. Multi-tool
12. Multi-tool

Manipular Type (Secondary)

1. Claw
2. Claw
3. Claw
4. Hand
5. Hand
6. Hand
7. Mini-Tentacles
8. Mini Tentacles
9. Mini-Tentacles
10. Multi-tool
11. Multi-tool
12. Multi-tool

Weapon Modes

(Roll 1X if small, 2X if medium, 3X if large.)

1. Roll on Hand-to-Hand Weapon table
2. Roll on Hand-to-Hand Weapon table
3. Roll on Hand-to-Hand Weapon table
4. Roll on Hand-to-Hand Weapon table
5. Roll on Ranged Weapon table
6. Roll on Ranged Weapon table
7. Roll on Ranged Weapon table
8. Roll on Ranged Weapon table
9. Roll on Ray Gun table
10. Roll on Ray Gun table
11. Roll on Ray Gun table
12. Roll on Ray Gun table

Hand-to-Hand Weapon

1. Blade (damage: 1d8)
2. Chain saw (damage: 2d8)
3. Circular saw (damage: 3d6)
4. Contact shocker (as the spell shocking grasp)
5. Contact stunner (stuns target for 1d6 rounds)
6. Drill (damage 2d10)
7. Grinder (damage: 4d6)
8. Jackhammer (damage: 1d12)
9. Mancatcher (damage: 1d2 + capture; roll bend bars to escape)
10. Power shears (damage: 2d6)
11. Reinforced manipular part (+1 damage)
12. Vise pincer (damage: 1d6 + capture; roll bend bars to escape)

Ranged Weapon

1. Atomic blaster (damage: 1d8/HD; range: 120')
2. Dart gun (damage: 1 hit point + sleep; range: 30')
3. Disruptor (damage: 1d10/HD; range: 100')
4. Flamethrower* (damage: 3d10; range: 80')
5. Grenade launcher
6. Gyrojet rocket launcher (damage: 1d10; range: 300')
7. Laser (damage: 1d6/HD; range: 240')
8. Netcaster (as the spell web)
9. Particle projector (damage: 1d10/HD; range: 240')
10. Plasma gun (damage: 1d12/HD; range: 80')
11. Slugthrower (damage: 1d8; range: 240')
12. Speargun (damage: 1d6; range: 60')

* No "to hit" roll needed; save vs. Wands for half damage

Ray Gun

1. Death ray* (as the spell death spell; range: 180')
2. Destructo ray** (damage: 1d6/HD; range: 120')
3. Disintegrator ray* (as the spell disintegrate; range: 60')
4. Electro ray** (damage: 1d6/HD; range: 120')
5. Force ray*** (damage: 2d6; range: 120'; pushes target)
6. Freeze ray*** (damage: 1d6/HD; range: 60'; encases target in ice)
7. Heat ray** (damage: 1d6/HD; range: 200'; ignites combustibles)
8. Immobilizer ray* (as the spell hold person; duration: 2 rounds/HD; range: 120')
9. Petrification ray* (as the spell flesh to stone; range: 60')
10. Shrink ray (as the spell reduce; range: 60')
11. Sonic ray*** (damage: 3d6; range: 60'; deafens target for 1d12 turns)
12. Stun ray* (range: 180'; stuns target for 2d4 rounds)

* No "to hit" roll needed; save vs. Wands to negate effect
** No "to hit" roll needed; save vs. Wands for half damage
*** No "to hit" roll needed; save vs. Wands for half damage and to negate effect

Basic Sensory Capacity

1. Radio-controlled
2. Standard human
3. Standard human
4. Standard human
5. Standard human
6. Standard human + telepathy
7. Standard robot (aural/visual)
8. Standard robot (aural/visual)
9. Standard robot (aural/visual)
10. Standard robot (aural/visual)
11. Standard robot + telepathy
12. Telepathically controlled

Additional Sensory Capability

1. Nil
2. Detachable probes (as the spell wizard eye)
3. Directional orientation sensor (direction, altitude, depth)
4. Heightened aural capacity
5. Heightened olfactory capacity
6. Heightened tactile capacity
7. Heightened visual capacity
8. Infrared vision (range: 120')
9. Radar
10. Substance analyzer
11. X-ray vision (range: 20')
12. Roll twice on table (1d10+1)

Structural Modification

1. Nil
2. Amphibious
3. Burrowing capability
4. Divisible (splits into five smaller robots)
5. Flight capability (as the spell fly)
6. Jumping capability (as the spell jump)
7. Reinforced armor (improves AC by 1)
8. Reinforced frame (improves HD by 1)
9. Transformable (changes into vehicle or different robot shape)
10. Upgraded speed (adjust to next higher movement rate)
11. Wallclimbing capability (as the spell spider climb)
12. Roll twice on table (1d10+1)


1. Beverage dispenser
2. Candy dispenser
3. Electromagnet
4. Extended range communicator
5. Holographic projector
6. Med kit
7. Spotlight
8. Tech kit
9. Toaster
10. Vacuum cleaner
11. Variable gravity generator (0-2 Gs)
12. Water purifier

Special Defense

1. Nil
2. Nil
3. Nil
4. Nil
5. Nil
6. Nil
7. Displacement (improves AC by 2; +2 to saves)
8. Force field generator (as the spell wall of force)
9. Reflective armor (repels all lasers; +2 to saves vs. visible rays)
10. Short range teleportation (as the spell blink)
11. Sonic nullifier (as the spell silence 15' radius)
12. Stationary invisibility (as the spell invisibility, but only when motionless)

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