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On Top Of The World

There is a walk I do regularly. It involves leaving my front door, walking up a short hill and wandering the high lanes above my parish. A walk I do whatever the weather, come rain or shine. Summer or Winter. It's never the same . Yesterday it took my breath away for its pure beauty. Late slanting November light adding an extra dimension to an already magical scene.

Clouds of slate and dove enhanced by the setting sun. Only three in the afternoon but sinking fast. Buildings that can often look flat and lifeless, now glinting in the glowing light. Trees highlighted by the sun's rays, adding to their autumn colour scheme.

Crunching through the autumn debris underfoot, sending earthy aromas to assault the senses. Birds wheeling overhead looking to roost for the night ahead.

Even bare branches were set on fire by the power of the November sun contrasting perfectly with the inky clouds behind.

Poplars now denuded of leaves allowing glimpses of buildings beyond. Blue sky peeking between enormous sheets of cottonwool clouds. 

In the distance the outline of Mont Orgueil castle at Gorey. The westerly light picking out houses on the French coast fourteen miles away.

A very rare view.

Bare branches etched like filigree as the sun sinks lower. Time to hurry home as we pull coats closer to us and rub hands to keep warm.

A beautiful walk that never feels boring. Always something new to notice and enjoy. How about you? Is there a regular route you travel and note the changes with the passing seasons?

Barbara xxx

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