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Battle of San Marcial - Move 7

Table at start of move 7

French have taken the centre and right hand hills

British and Spanish still hold left hand hill and Irun

French left

4th French division have taken the left hand hill

The whole 4th Spanish division is in rout

French Centre

3rd French division have taken San Marcial hill

There are two Spanish infantry brigades attempting to stop the French

French Right

On the right 1st French division have broken the Spanish to the right of Irun

The Spanish still hold the town of Irun

1st British division have arrived on the hill beside Irun in support of the Spanish

British Reserve

1st British division are in contact with the French on the left hand hill

Their artillery, in the valley to the right, have been shaken by French artillery fire

Game Notes

The Spanish are breaking all along the hill line

Irun is still held by the Spanish, and the British are in support

The battle is lost, but Wellington is still hanging on

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