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Pop Beauty Aquatic Glitz

Some weeks back I was on the hunt online for some polish (a Paul & Joe from fall, if I recall correctly) and came across some Pop Beauty glitter shades I hadn't seen before. Since I liked the other glitters I have from them, I went ahead and got these new-to-me colors. Aquatic Glitz is the first one I got around to trying. It's a mix of little glitter particles in mostly blue and green with some silver and holo scattered in there, too. I used three coats and should have added a top coat but did not.

One thing that was different from my other Pop Beauty polishes was this bottle had a separate label on the side rather than the information being printed directly on the glass, which meant I could actually read the shade name instead of it blending into the glitter behind it.

I liked the look of this quite a bit, and think Aquatic Glitz is quite a fitting name for it.

Despite this being a new polish in my collection, I felt I'd seen it before, so went looking through the Helmer drawers. What do you know—I discovered not one but two possible twins for it: Funky Fingers Baby Baby Baby and Color Club Beyond the Mistletoe.

Looking rather interchangeable in the bottles; how about on the nail? I took Aquatic Glitz off two of my nails and used those nails for the other brands, using three coats of them like I had to for the Pop.

Can you see a difference? How about if I make things a touch less blurry?

As far as I can see, these are identical triplets. Top to bottom, it's Pop, Color Club, Pop, Funky Fingers. Much as I like this, I don't think I need three bottles of it. Now to decide who's going on the destash list. Based on bottle shape, Funky Fingers is out; that big footprint takes up valuable room in the drawer. Between the other two, I think there's a slight edge to Pop, as all my Pop are in that same bottle with the same matte silver cap. But if I get rid of the Color Club, I'll be breaking up the Beyond the Mistletoe set—of course I got them all; I like glitter and having complete sets. I think I need to get over the sets thing, though, so I guess that means the Color Club needs to go, too. If hadn't already bought the Pop, though, my choice would be the Color Club because it's just as opaque and has just as much in the bottle for less money.

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