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Polished by KPT Lumieres

Good evening lovelies!  I'm avoiding laundry by putting up another post.  Why?  Because laundry is my absolute least favorite house chore.  I don't mind the washing and drying, what I do mind is the folding and putting away.  It's so damn taxing.  So I'll avoid my own personal H-E-Double Toothpicks by sharing a gorgeously blingy polish with you!  Yes I am distracting myself with shiny things.  Tonight I have Lumieres from Polished by KPT.  This is a total stunner, if you haven't seen it before or tried Polished by KPT I think this is a perfect introduction to the brand!  Lumieres is available in the shop now for $12 USD.  Now let's look at some pictures!

*press sample*

Polished by KPT Lumieres

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