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Memorial Hospital Auxiliary sponsoring shoe sale - Dubois County Free Press

Memorial Hospital Auxiliary sponsoring shoe sale - Dubois County Free Press

Memorial Hospital Auxiliary sponsoring shoe sale - Dubois County Free Press

Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:16 AM PDT

The Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center Auxiliary is sponsoring a 43-hour shoe sale in the hospital lobby.  The sale will start Monday, July 15 at 7:00 p.m. and runs around the clock, ending Wednesday, July 17 at 2:00 p.m.  Payments of cash, credit cards, and payroll deductions will be accepted.

"Outside the Box Shoes" carry comfortable work shoes for all of the hospital staff as well as tennis shoes, workout shoes, sandals, casual, flip flops, along with many others. There will be knowledgeable staff available to help you with your selections.

On Tuesday, July 16, the gift shop will have special hours from 9:00 p.m. until midnight. It will also be open its regular hours during the sale. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.  Items will be delivered to patients if anyone chooses an item from the gift shop. Fresh flowers and balloons are also available.

All proceeds benefit the hospital's patients and their families.

Why your patients should lace up their walking shoes - American Medical Association

Posted: 08 Jul 2019 05:00 AM PDT

Older women don't need to get in 10,000 steps a day to lower their mortality rates. Just 4,400 steps daily—even at a low intensity—is linked to significantly lower mortality rates when compared to rates for those who take 2,700 steps a day, a new study finds.

"We try to shy away from the word exercise with patients because it sounds like they have to go to the gym, or do something high-intensity. But this study shows that just moving more, something that doesn't need to be complex or high intensity, has a benefit for older women," said Kate Kirley, MD, a family physician and director of chronic disease prevention at the AMA. "That is less intimidating to people and more attainable."

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The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, included women ages 62 to 101 years old, with an average age of 72, and looked at the larger picture of mortality rates. Previous studies have shown that walking also reduces patients' risk for developing diabetes and high blood pressure, two areas of intense focus in the AMA's efforts to help physicians prevent and manage those chronic diseases.

Target: BP™, a joint national initiative by the AMA and the American Heart Association, gives physician practices access to clinical tools and support to improve patients' blood pressure control rates. The program offers annual, recurring recognition for all participating sites and for sites that have blood pressure control rates at 70% or higher for their adult patients. Last year, nearly 800 organizations were recognized for blood pressure control efforts.

Meanwhile, the AMA Prevent Diabetes website offers physicians a comprehensive assessment and guided process to help organizations implement a diabetes prevention strategy, including a diabetes prevention toolkit to aid different members of the practice and access to an evidence-based diabetes prevention lifestyle change program.

How brisk must steps be?

Patients didn't need to step quickly or intensely to lower their mortality rates, according to the study, "Association of Step Volume and Intensity With All-Cause Mortality in Older Women," which was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

In fact, "there was little fast stepping among these older women (only 0.2% of the time was spent at a stepping rate equivalent to walking at approximately 2.5 mph or faster)," the study's authors wrote.

More than 16,000 women took part in the research by wearing a device to measure their steps over seven days. At a follow-up slightly more than four years later, the data showed that women's mortality rates progressively decreased with more steps per day, with the benefits leveling off at about 7,500 steps daily.

The "number of steps, rather than stepping intensity, was the step metric consistently related to lower mortality rates," the study concludes. "These findings may serve as encouragement to the many sedentary individuals for whom 10,000 steps a day pose an unattainable goal."

Why have 10,000 steps been goal?

Ten thousand steps a day was most often the default goal on the more than 125 million wearable technologies tracking a person's physical activity that were shipped worldwide in 2017, study authors begin their report. They note that trackers on smart phones also use this number, as do the lay press when talking about how much people should be moving every day.

But, the authors say, where this goal came from is unclear.

"It likely derives from the trade name of a pedometer sold in 1965 by Yamasa Clock and Instrument Company in Japan called Manpo-kei, which translates to '10,000 steps meter' in Japanese," they wrote, telling readers that is why it is important to study the real impact that step numbers and intensity have on health.

Dr. Kirley agrees and said it is encouraging to see results that show older women can take fewer than 10,000 steps a day at a low intensity and still see a positive impact on their health.

"You can tell patients that 7,500 steps is excellent, but that even taking more than 4,000 steps has a benefit," she said. "It is doable and patients can do it at their own pace. It is about getting the steps in, not how fast you take them."

Barbershop: Nike Recalls 'Racist' Air Max Shoe - NPR

Posted: 06 Jul 2019 02:30 PM PDT

NPR's Michel Martin speaks about the controversy with journalist Alyssa Rosenberg, professor Joseph Cooper and fashion blogger Eugene Rabkin.


There's another sports-related story we wanted to talk about - or at least it speaks to the fact that sports figures and companies are about more than - well, sports. We wanted to talk about that special-edition sneaker that Nike had planned to release in honor of Independence Day featuring the so-called Betsy Ross flag with 13 stars in a circle representing the 13 original colonies. According to several news outlets, beginning with The Wall Street Journal, Nike pulled the shoes after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick privately advised Nike executives to do so.

Kaepernick, of course, is the activist famous for kneeling during the national anthem during his playing days to protest police violence, which evidently ended his playing days. He's also a Nike brand ambassador. Now, it's not exactly clear what he said to Nike, but it's been reported that he noted that the flag has been adopted by some white supremacist groups, along with a Confederate flag, to celebrate a time when slavery was legal and the country was supposedly more white or white people had all the power. Nike said in a statement that it pulled the shoes based on concerns it could, quote, "unintentionally offend and detract from the nation's patriotic holiday" - unquote.

But then other people criticized that decision, including the Arizona governor, Doug Ducey, who said that Nike has, quote, "bowed to the current onslaught of political correctness and historical revisionism" - unquote. He claimed that he would pull back support for financial incentives that were promised to Nike for opening a manufacturing plant in Arizona.

So we figured the Barbershop would be a good place to talk about all this because that's where we talk with interesting people about what's in the news and what's on their minds. So joining us today are Alyssa Rosenberg. She's an opinion writer who covers culture for The Washington Post. She wrote about this recently. Welcome.

ALYSSA ROSENBERG: Thanks so much for having me.

MARTIN: Joseph Cooper is a professor at the University of Connecticut, where his research focuses on sport, education, race and culture. Professor Cooper, welcome to you.

JOSEPH COOPER: Thank you for having me.

MARTIN: And Eugene Rabkin is the founder of StyleZeitgeist, which is a fashion blog. Eugene, welcome to you as well.


MARTIN: So let me just read something that Alyssa wrote in her piece. She said that few things are more American than a giant company's efforts to turn a profit off a patriotic emblem, then see the product flare into a cultural bonfire. Duly noted. Duly noted, Alyssa. I'm going to actually go to professor Cooper first on this because I take it you agree with Nike's decision to pull the shoes. Is that right?

COOPER: That is correct.

MARTIN: Because?

COOPER: I agree because, one, we live in a highly politicized climate. And when we think about understanding what the meaning of certain symbols historically meant and what they mean in contemporary terms, I think it's important that if we are moving towards becoming a more perfect union and respecting the positionalities of diverse groups, then we consider maybe certain symbols that we used to celebrate - i.e., the Confederate flag, i.e., the original 13 colonies flag - that symbol isn't a symbol of unity for all Americans.

And so, taking into account groups that have been historically oppressed, such as African-Americans during that time period when that flag was created, I think that it was a very appropriate gesture for Nike to pull that particular style of shoe.

MARTIN: So, Alyssa, I'm going to go to you here because, you know, unlike some people for whom, you know, Kaepernick is just the gift that keeps on giving - I mean, there are people who just are outraged by everything he does, and there are those who want to turn this into a referendum on people who love America versus the people who don't. But one of the things that interests us about your piece is you took a different tack. You were saying you're not denying that perhaps this flag has been co-opted by these white supremacist groups. The point you made is that we shouldn't be so quick to capitulate when racists try to taint symbols of our national story.

ROSENBERG: Well, and I think it's a really interesting question. At what point has something been so thoroughly co-opted that it can't return to any semblance of its original meaning? And because a couple of obscure Klan groups or some guy from Identity Evropa or some jerks at a Michigan high school football game try to use a historical symbol like the Betsy Ross flag, who gets to say they win? You know, why do jerks who want to imbue something with a new meaning that it may not necessarily have had - why do we get to say that they're right, that they get to poison this and then none of the rest of us can have it?

I mean, I think part of what was very interesting about this debate is that clearly, this is a conversation about a symbol that has happened in some quarters but has not reached a broad audience. And so I don't know that there is a consensus on whether or not the flag is tainted.

I respect anyone who says that because the symbol has been used this way, it no longer has an uncomplicated meaning. But I am really opposed to just ceding space to white supremacists simply because they touch something, therefore it's poison. Why not fight back? Why not try to have an actual conversation about who gets to decide the meaning of these things?

MARTIN: Now, Eugene, one of the reasons we called you is that - I want to mention you didn't write about this particular story, but you've been writing as a fashion blogger about images and fashion that a lot of people have found offensive, and you're saying that, you know, fashion is meant to provoke and that fashion that fails to provoke loses its power. So where do you come out on this argument, on this issue - you know, recognizing that I don't think you were born in the U.S., so perhaps the whole history of the Betsy Ross flag and all this isn't as present for you as it is for other people. But what do you think?

RABKIN: Well, first, I couldn't agree with Alyssa more. I think that we should not allow white supremacists to reclaim the symbol that is not theirs to claim in the first place, you know? there is - there are examples like that that have happened before. There's a London brand of boxing gear called Lansdale, you know, and neo-Nazis in London, in the U.K., used to wear their T-shirts because if you cover Lansdale up to a certain point with a jacket, you get to see NSDA, which was the name of Hitler's party. You know, Lansdale did not stop making clothing. You know, they put out a statement saying that we did not - you know, we do not agree with these values. And that was that, you know?

So I don't think you should allow that - these symbols to be claimed. But also, you know, for me, the bigger issues here is stifling creativity, you know? And the sneaker is a sneaker, you know? But Nike here - what happened was Nike engaged in self-censorship, you know, because we are living in a time that is so volatile, and moral outrage is stoked so easily both on the left and on the right that it produces atmosphere of self-doubt and self-censorship. And that, to me, is a real problem because fashion is a creative discipline, just like art, and it should have that freedom to provoke and to challenge people's assumptions.

MARTIN: Joseph, what do you say about that? Professor Cooper, what do you think?

COOPER: Yeah. I mean, I think there's varying views on - this isn't the first time that fashion and politics have collided. A few years ago, Gucci put out a style or image on one of their pieces of clothing that was resembling of the minstrel show, which was highly offensive to African Americans in the United States. So as opposed to viewing it as a form - and large - a large contingency of the hip-hop community boycotted Gucci and said, you know, this was culturally insensitive.

So as opposed to viewing it as censorship, I look at this has become a more democratic society whereby traditionally, certain groups - their views and perspectives on certain symbols and images have been silenced or largely marginalized. And now organizations and companies such as Nike are taking into account those voices because they understand that these constituents, these consumers, are major stakeholders for their company. And so to me, I look at it as being more culturally sensitive, more culturally inclusive as opposed to a form of censorship.

MARTIN: So, Alyssa, I'm going to go back to this question of, how do you engage with something that has been co-opted by, for example, white supremacists? Like, there's a brand of - I'm sure - I don't want to give more credence to it, but there's a brand of outerwear that a lot of kids like, and the initials are initials that some of the white supremacist groups also like because it's - it is a reference to a salute to Hitler, right? So they're not going to stop making clothes either, but then some people would rather their kids not have that - those clothes.

So what do you suggest? I know you raised a number of examples where, you know, people have used the American flag for heinous things, but other people have said, no, it's not just yours. What do you say about how to engage with something like this?

ROSENBERG: I think you have a vigorous dialogue about it, and you put it in context. I mean, the African-American lawyer who was almost stabbed by the American flag during the Boston busing protests always said that the flag wasn't tainted for him and that as long as it was used in a context where sort of positive values were raised vigorously that it could be a symbol of what America could be. And so if it's your kids, talk to your kids about why certain people feel this way, why they might end up associating themselves with something that they don't intend...


ROSENBERG: ...You know?

MARTIN: We have to leave it there for now, but there's more to say because, you know, I want to ask all of you if you'd buy the shoes if they actually came back on the market, right?

RABKIN: (Laughter).

MARTIN: Would you buy it? Eugene, quickly, yes or no - would you buy it?

RABKIN: Absolutely not. I don't wear sneakers.

MARTIN: Oh, OK. Well...

RABKIN: (Laughter) I'm the wrong person.

MARTIN: That's Eugene Rabkin. He's the founder of StyleZeitgeist. That's a fashion blog. Also with us, Alyssa Rosenberg, opinion writer for The Washington Post, and Joseph Cooper, professor at the University of Connecticut. Thank you all so much for talking to us.

ROSENBERG: Thanks so much.

RABKIN: Thank you.

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Klay Thompson's custom designed shoes featuring newspaper print sell out quickly - KTVU San Francisco

Posted: 07 Jul 2019 07:20 PM PDT

- Klay Thompson released his limited edition East Bay Times-Anta collaboration kicks Sunday in honor of his pre-game newspaper reading ritual.

The one-of-a-kind  KT4's are filled with newspaper-style print, including clippings of Thompson's amazing feats on the court in both English and Chinese. Also featured are in-color action photos of him, splashed around the top of the shoe as well as across the outsole on the bottom. 

Only 150 pairs were sold during the Oakland release at Oaklandish's Broadway location Sunday morning.

Priced at $179.99, the shoes come with a one-year subscription to any Bay Area News Group paper. The remaining 10,000 pairs will be sold exclusively in China at a retail price of $390.

The Bay Area News Group has dubbed Thompson as the "brand ambassador" spanning its individual newspapers: The Mercury News, East Bay Times, and the Marin Independent Journal.

The partnership sprouted from his unique pregame locker routine that he credits to his mother, Julie.  

"She just suggested to read the paper before games, get away from looking at the screen," Thompson said about his mother, Julie Thompson, in a 2017 Bay Area News group video. "It's really just helped me relax and take my mind off of what I got to go out there and do and all the pressure that comes with it." 

Thompson told the Bay Area News Group that he keeps old articles featuring himself and his NBA champion father, Mychal Thompson, so that he can show them to his kids one day. 

"It's very nice to be kept to date on all these current events going on around us, especially on a local level," Thompson said in the video. "That's where you can make the biggest impact."

The shoes are part of Anta's KT Series that launched with the KT1's in 2015. Thompson originally signed with the Chinese brand in 2014 and renegotiated a 10-year, $80 million extension in 2016. 

It has been a busy offseason already for the All-Star shooting guard. After agreeing to a five-year, $190 million max deal to return with the Warriors, Thompson successfully underwent surgery last Tuesday to repair his torn left ACL.

He is expected to make a return within five to seven months, slating for his 2019-2020 season debut potentially as early as December. 

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