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For 1001 Times....

This is post #1001! I just happened to notice the number a couple of days ago!  So, I thought it would be appropriate to once again write about a favorite message wearing my favorite coat! 

 The little note above was actually left on my desk by
a student the first week of school....(sorry, I accidentally covered the word SPARKLE, it is not SPARK).  I
loved it so much, I have it taped in the front of my calendar book to remind me that my sparkle is not just for the holidays, but every day!

Never underestimate the power of encouragement.  A sweet note…a random text…a hand written
letter…a kind word…go farther than any gift we can purchase.  When covering a blog story on Friday, I
watched a woman walk slowly around a store. 
You could see her sadness by the way she walked and the way she
dressed.   I perceived a woman who desperately
wants to look better, but approached each display with fear and lack of confidence.  She finally stopped and touched a bright
purple shirt…lingering there for a moment. 
All I did, was walk close by and say, “That color would look amazing on
you.”  She looked up at me, “Yeah?”  I smiled and shook my head up and down.  It was as if sunlight came through the store
and shined on her face.

I do not know if she bought the garment or not, but she was
in need of encouragement more than anything. 
As we go through this rushed time of year, let’s make sure we stop to see
those who need just a kind word or two. 
It’s the ultimate in gift giving.

"Many persons have a wrong
idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through
self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."   - Helen Keller

Have a marvelous Monday everyone! Stay warm!  And make sure you visit the bloggers of Monday Mingle!  and the Verizon Fashionista Style Hop!

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