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THE INTERN DIARIES : DAY TWO : Can I photocopy my boobs yet?

THE INTERN DIARIES : DAY TWO : couldn't get much worse really....

So I walked to work this morning. After the buses didn't start until too late. I didn't really mind too much. Luckily, I like to walk and I have some epic music on my ipod.
But it ended in tears. I was nervously crossing O Connell bridge. Deep in the panics about my soon to be first day. It was too early to call anyone and waaaaay too early to be alive.
That's when I slipped. Fell over and knocked boiling hot coffee over myself. Oh yes, I was that girl. The drunk looking one who is actually sober. After giving everyone nearby driving a cheap laugh and a few onlookers heart failure! I dragged myself out of the depths of despair and laughed off my cut and burnt hand and walked on dying. Red as it's possible to be.
So stinking of coffee I headed in the door.
I had no idea a real newsroom could give you that much of a heart attack. It felt like everything came at me at once. I think I did okay given that I am a fashion journalist reporting on actual worthy topics. My nerves didnt serve me well. I normally come across quite confident, but I found myself a bit.......well, jumpy.
Thank god after 4 hours of taking calls, texts and updating twitters, blogs and websites I retired outside to drink my third coffee of the day. thank god I finished at 1 and could head home after that.....
At least until now.

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