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Money Vs. Love: What Would You Choose

This is the age-old dilemma. One which has been the foundation of numerous movies and books — what makes you happy, love or money? There have been significant debates on this with parties enthusiastically supporting their side, but no one has been able to resolve this definitely.

If I was writing this as a young 19-year old, I would have been arguing for money — all the way, claiming that if one had enough money, everything else becomes simpler and accessible, yes even, finding the perfect mate. But I have seen enough around me to know that money would be just one side of the coin. On the other side of the coin, all that money can’t make you stay in a relationship where you feel unfulfilled or unloved. But yes, having money does make your life easier.

Usually, we lay bare the basics of the debate for you, and gently nudge you to choose one option which seems better, however, we won’t do that here. Rather we would like to address the debate itself by making you aware of the advantages and pitfalls of both sides. Here they are-

Love: A Frivolity Or A Necessity

Love A Frivolity Or A Necessity


You would hear many people, especially the ones belonging to older generations say that love is a frivolity. According to them, you marry the partner who is suitable for you in terms of interests, age, looks and yes, the social status too. And then, after marriage, you gradually fall in love or something which closely resembles love.

The all-consuming passion that starts with one look and gradually gets sublimated to a lifelong love and affection for each other has no place in the lives of these people. And by all logic and reasoning, it makes perfect sense. However, it does not account for the fact that most of us seek true companionship, and that can only stem from love and not from something that is a societal obligation.

No matter how hard life gets, there is no guarantee that life won’t be hard if you are rolling around in cash. With the love and support of your partner, you can still try to better your circumstances. You can struggle and earn money, it just won’t be that easy.

Does Having Money Preclude You From Getting Love?

Does Having Money Preclude You From Getting Love


The other side of the coin is money. Let’s get a few things straight, we live in a capitalist world where money begets more money. The trickle-down effects of the economy have largely receded and one has to really hustle to lead a good life. And for all the idealism in the world, if you can afford to do things for your pleasure and not because you’ve to make a living, it would be great.

Besides, it doesn’t say anywhere that you won’t get love if you choose money. Yes, it can be that you will get attracted to potential partners based on something very superficial. But then we often fall in love with someone over their looks and that is as superficial quality as any.

And as such, there are a number of hesitations that are attached to choosing money over love such as what if there is nothing to the relationship except the mutually shared love of spending. That is a valid concern, but there are other things that make a relationship work in the long term, such as larger life goals, shared values, your equation, and shared interests. You can’t really overlook these. Money just functions as the qualifying criteria. Needless to say, we can’t really banish the possibility that you can get love even when you choose money.

It Depends On The Kind Of Life You Want

It Depends On The Kind Of Life You Want


Ultimately, the decision rests in your hand. If you’re someone who feels fulfilled by making meaningful connections with other people. If you don’t mind taking a circuitous route to achieve a decent life, then love would be the ideal choice for you. Yes, you would have to struggle a little but with the love of your life by your side, it won’t seem that bad.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, and don’t believe in romantic idealism then money can give you what you’re looking for. Just know that it can go as easily as it came, so try not to make it the axis of your life. It can also be that your pragmatic approach bears fruits and you end up leading a very, happy and productive life. It’s quite possible that you even find love.

In the end, you have to take responsibility for your choice, and be prepared to live with their consequences. If you do that and take everything that life gives you, in your stride then you can achieve the life you want and maybe much more.

Love or money, what would you prefer, and why? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

The post Money Vs. Love: What Would You Choose appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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