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Exciting News!

So I have some really exciting news to share with you all! So Thursday May 21st, I had an interview with Kathryn of Kathryn Elise Studio, a PR, events and social media management agency. You know Kat, she's the co-founder of Go Blog Social and the social media director for Kansas City Fashion Week. She's a total GirlBoss. She was looking for an intern to help her with her business this summer. I jumped at the chance to A) work with someone I admire and B) to work in the PR, events and social media realm to get experience and C) do something I'm super passionate about! I mean I am dedicating my life to is so it's probably good that I get some experience! Ha! We interviewed and I thought it went well but I still wasn't confident I'd get the position. I'm one of those people who psyche myself out of something even if I know I killed it. It's something I've always struggled with. 
Anyways, I was so nervous waiting for the email to say if I had been offered the position or if it had gone to someone else. Like pacing, nervous trainwreck. To take my mind off of it me and my mom were out at lunch. I just so happened to check my emails. And there it was... the fate of my summer. I opened it up, heart racing, scanning the words on the screen.... and  I saw the words "I am pleased..." I freaked out and everyone in the restaurant looked at me like I was crazy but hey when you get something major like that you have to celebrate! 

I start today and I will be working with Kat doing all things PR, events and social media related. I couldn't be happier or more excited to start this journey and to start really gaining the experience in those industries! This is my first ever 'grown-up' job so I'm a bit nervous (but mostly excited) to be starting my 'career'. I will hopefully be blogging about working in the 'real world' and maybe even have some advice for you! Don't worry my blog won't be going away, I will still be blogging regularly! I just wanted to let you guys know what I'll be doing this summer! :)

Do you have any advice for interning? Leave me a comment sharing! I definitely need some tips! 

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"passion is the difference between having a job and a career"

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