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You guys, I have decided to take on a project. I hear you snarking, "What? Updating your blog?" Har har, comedians. You know that next week is going to be FULL ON OSCAR FASHION MADNESS (FOOFM), but after that, what? I mean, I'll still give you the food and pop culture and sex posts you...haven't seen in weeks. But I feel like I need something new, something fun, something insane.

And so, I am pleased to announce that after we get through FOOFM, I will be reading and blogging my way through this book:

Did you catch that? It's The Rules and The Rules II all in one book! For the low, low price of losing your mind.

As a lifelong feminist and mostly rational person, I have loathed the existence of this book for years - 15 years to be exact. Holy crap, I just realized that this book has been present in suburban white girl popular culture for half my life. That is horrifying. I remember it coming out when I was in high school and I very quickly and loudly denounced it, proclaiming to anyone who would listen that it was "complete bullshit." I was 15, I knew things. Obvs.

But here's the secret (oooh, maybe I should do The Secret next): I have never actually read The Rules and I don't really know what all is in there. I have a cursory knowledge of the general gist - play hard to get. And that little fact is enough for me to know that I will be angry with this book. Me being angry with a book = comedy gold for you, dear 5 readers.

So get ready! I am going to blog The Rules. After FOOFM, of course. I wouldn't deprive you.

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