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10 Comments Indian Women In Relationships Are Tired Of Hearing

India is currently transitioning from a society based on marital relationships to different ways of living and different ways of defining ourselves. More and more young Indians are inclined to being in a romantic relationship than being married. The institution of marriage is gradually giving way to a more open society centered around individual needs.

Women especially come across many situations where they become the target of unwelcome comments and advice on their relationship. In this article, we are going to list ten most annoying comments to which you should say, “thanks, but no thanks.”

1. When Are You Settling Down?

When Are You Settling Down


This is a popular query among elders. It is hinting at their interest in knowing your plans on getting married, having kids, and continuing the monotonous life cycle, which is, again, an evolutionary arrangement and has nothing to do with your relationship. You can always tell them that you are well-settled and at home just how you are.

2. Can You Cook?

Can You Cook


You might know by now that patriarchy is a hard one to kill. Just when you are starting to think you have shattered the glass ceiling with your success and independence, it takes the shape of ridiculous questions such as this one. When you are in a relationship, expecting the woman to play the role of the homemaker is so twentieth century.

3. Is He The One?

Is He The One


“The One” with a capital “O” is referring to the man you are supposed to get married to. The question is again suggesting that the one you are dating may not be the One. Women are generally advised to stay clear of anything less serious than that.

4. You Cannot Date A Younger Man!

You Cannot Date A Younger Man


Age is of no consequence in a relationship. What matters is whether your partner has the mettle to see your relationship through its ups and downs. That said, dating younger people can make you feel young and at the same time, challenge you in many good ways.

5. Enjoy Your Freedom Before Marriage

Enjoy Your Freedom Before Marriage


This is coming from the idea that an ideal marriage puts restrictions on a woman. It is implying that after marriage, the husband takes the reign and controls your life. This is far from being ideal. Feel free to educate the people who say this to your face. They need it.

6. It Is Your Responsibility To Look After Him

It Is Your Responsibility To Look After Him


The unspoken truth about the institution of marriage is that it is basically a parade where one passes the baton to another; at least until now. Until marriage, the mother may have taken care of all the chores of the son, so, after marriage, the wife takes over. This is not only obsolete but is also dehumanizing. The truth is that nobody can be taken care of without their participation. It is unfair to put the responsibility of the man’s welfare on the woman.

7. Being A Mother Makes A Woman Complete

Being A Mother Makes A Woman Complete


Being a mother is a choice. Women are complete just by being themselves. Having a child definitely has its advantages. But the idea that having a child is what defines a woman is mistaken and inaccurate.

8. A Woman Should Put Her Relationship Over Her Career

A Woman Should Put Her Relationship Over Her Career


Career is important to women as well as men. At present times, women are quite ambitious and care about their work as much as men do. Women are told to make family a priority. This is an unfair notion and should be done away with.

9. Women Shouldn’t Earn More Than Their Partners!

Women Shouldn’t Earn More Than Their Partners


The bigger issue here, ladies, is the gender wage-gap. What your friendly neighborhood aunty tells you is just an extension of it. You do not have to give in to the societal norms about how much you should make. If you work for it, you have earned it.

10. Has He Proposed Yet?

Has He Proposed Yet


We saved the best for the last just to tell you that not all relationships end in marriage. The goal of a relationship is not always getting married. Relationships are meant for companionship, support, and love. Marriage does not ensure any of these.

Being in a committed relationship can become an excuse for people to invade your life with unsolicited bits of advice and remarks about what you should do and shouldn’t. We are here to tell you not to be bothered by them. All you need is to be able to tell the wheat from the chaff. And do not forget to continue your life on your own terms!

Did we miss any of the cliched comments women hear all the time? Write it down in the comments. Also, do tell us why you think women often become the targets of unsolicited relationship advice.

The post 10 Comments Indian Women In Relationships Are Tired Of Hearing appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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